Add Members to a Draw or Zoned Draw
Adding members to a draw style competition as an admin is easy. Simply click on the ‘Draw Entrants’ linked number to be navigated to the entrants management page. Even if no entrants have joined the competition and the number is ‘0’, Admins can add players to the draw.
The entrants page displays any members who have entered the draw and buttons to add new members or remove members as required.
For Zoned Draw, this page is similar but adding members is done at the zone level.
Clicking ‘Add Member’ displays a form for Admin’s to search for members they need to add to the draw. Up to 4 members can be added at a time however, any members added at the same time will be kept together in the draw and treated as playing partners.
To make finding players that entered together easier, an ID is assigned to each Multi-player entry. When multiple players enter together, they are given the same Entry ID.