Competition Management for Admins
Additional parameters can be managed by Admins to configure competitions exactly as required. These include changes to the competition creation form, adding & removing draw entrants and draw management.
Create Competitions
When selecting a Competition Type, Admin users will be able to choose between ‘Standard’, ‘Draw’ or ‘Zoned Draw’.
Draw competitions run over a defined time period e.g. 09:30 – 15:00, members will be drawn a random tee time and playing partners between these start and end times.
Zoned Draw competitions also run over a defined time period e.g. 09:30 – 15:00 but ‘zones’ can be created to split the start and end time into smaller time ranges e.g. 09:30 – 11:00, 11:01 – 12:30, 12:31 – 14:00, 14:01 – 15:00. Any number of Zones of any duration can be created within the start and end time parameters.
If Draw or Zoned Draw are selected, an additional selection of ‘Single Player’ or ‘Multi-Player’ is required.
Single Player refers to typical draw entry where each member enters themselves only into a competition to be drawn a tee time and playing partner(s).
Multi-Player refers to draw entry where, depending on what is set in ‘Number of Players’, members can enter themselves plus 1, 2 or 3 additional members into the draw. Entering in this way means these members will be given a tee time together when the draw is made. Even if ‘Number of Players’ is set to 4, members can still enter themselves only and not include additional members in their entry. In this case, the member will have no control over who they are drawn to play with.
The ‘Number of Players’ parameter sets a restriction on the max. number of players each member can book, it does not set a restriction on the number of players that be booked into a tee time. We are aware of instances where a club may want to restrict max. number of players per tee time to less than 4. This is slightly different to setting a limit on the number of players that can be booked by members. A new parameter called ‘Number of Players per Tee Time’ will be added in a future release to enable enhanced player restrictions.
Version 1.0 of the BRS Competitions Interface will support Waiting List and Competition Purse configuration in Single Player draws only. These may become available for Multi-Player draws in a later version.