Automatically Add Competitions to the Timesheet and Create Multi-Dates or Rounds
To add a Members Competition, follow the steps below:
- On the left-hand navigation menu, click Tools, scroll down to the Member Booking section, and click Member Competitions.
- Scroll down to the Member Competitions Form.
- If multiple courses are available, choose the course from the dropdown menu.
- Fill out the Competition Date, Start Time, End Time, and the date and time this will be available online.
- To add competitions with multiple dates, click the Add Another Date button. Then, fill out the new date's Competition Date, Start Time, End Time, and the date and time this will be available online.
- You can do this multiple times.
- To automatically add the dates and times to the tee-sheet, check the box for Add these competition date (s) / time(s) to the tee-sheet.
- Fill out the rest of the form with all the competition details: Name, Number of Holes, Number of Players, Guests, Number of Guests, if you would like to use the Waiting List.
- Enter the date and time the competition closes and when no further bookings are permitted.
- Select the Membership Types to which this competition applies.
- Click Add.
The system will alert you if any of the dates/times could not be automatically added to the timesheet. Those dates/times can be added manually.
You will now see the competition listed at the top of the page. Make sure you have selected the correct month to view. To go to the Timesheet to view the competition, click the competition date on the left-hand side.
Adding Additional Dates to an Existing Multi-Date Competition
You may need to add dates to a multi-date competition after it has been created.
- On the left-hand navigation menu, click Tools, scroll down to the Member Booking section, and click Member Competitions.
- Find the competition you need to add the date to.
- Click Add additional date.
- Fill out the Competition Date, Start Time, End Time, and the date and time this will be available online.
- To automatically add the dates and times to the tee-sheet, check the box for Add these competition date(s) / time(s) to the tee-sheet.
- Click Store Date.
Editing Multi-Date Competitions
- On the left-hand navigation menu, click Tools, scroll down to the Member Booking section, and click Member Competitions.
- Find the competition you would like to edit.
- Next to the date you would like to edit within that competition, click the pencil icon.
- NOTE: Only the date and time specific to the round selected are shown, rather than all the dates in the competition series.
- Make the changes.
- The following changes made on this screen will apply to all competition dates in the series:
- Membership Types
- Competition Purse
- Closing Time
- Competition Name
- Number of Holes
- Number of Players/Number of Guests
- The following changes made on this screen will apply to the selected date only:
- Date
- Start Time
- End Time
- Available from Date/Time
- The following changes made on this screen will apply to all competition dates in the series:
The Add Another Date button on the edit screen will allow you to add additional dates, but these will not be automatically added to the timesheet when edits are saved. They will need to be added manually. To have the option to automatically add dates to the Timesheet, please use the process outlined above under “Add additional Dates to an existing multi-date competition.”
Removing a Competition Series
- On the left-hand navigation menu, click Tools, scroll down to the Member Booking section, and click Member Competitions.
- Find the competition you would like to remove.
- Click the X icon to delete the competition series.
- Click OK on the dialog box that will pop up.
- Navigate to the Timesheet to remove this competition, as this is not done automatically.