Your BRS system is backed up automatically and as part of this we want to ensure that your timesheet data is available in the rare event of a system outage.
To aid you in such an event, BRS can be set up to email the club a nightly backup email containing fixtures for the next 14 days. This is usually set up by default however if you are not receiving them you can check the settings by following these steps.
Go to Tools, and then click on System Configuration. Scroll down to find Nightly Backup Email.
Enable nightly backup email: If this is checked the Main Club Email address (set in System Configuration) will receive a nightly backup email of the next 14 days fixtures. If this is unchecked the club will not be emailed automatically. The system will always be backed up and can be made available when required by contacting the Support team.
Clubs can opt to change the recipient email address by completing the Primary club nightly backup email address (optional) and Secondary club nightly backup email address (optional)