There a number of reports inside the booking system which will allow you to track all transactions within your competition purse:
To view these reports you can navigate to:
- "Reports" >> "Type of Reports" >> "Competition Purse"
Competition Purse Balance Report
This report allows you to run an overview of your existing member purse balances. The report can be filtered for either male or female members with the option of viewing the balances between different periods of time.
Competition Purse Transactions
The purse transaction report gives a more detailed overview of all purse transactions made by an Admin or Member user.
The report can be highlighted, copied and pasted into Microsoft Excel if additional analysis is necessary.
Competition Purse Summary
This report gives a summary of all transactions made against competitions within your BRS system. Total revenue is also included, splitting out amounts generated from credit & debited transactions.
It also gives a breakdown of competition fees processed between the dates specified tool plus any manual credits or debits applied specifically to each competition.
*Note this only includes competition fees processed with the 'Process Competition Purse payments'