To upload multiple members please follow these steps:
1. Populate a spreadsheet of all the members details with at least these required fields:
- User ID (e.g. 12345678)
- Last Name (e.g. Bloggs) OR Full Name (e.g. Joe Bloggs)
- Membership Type (e.g. Full Member)
Below is an example of spreadsheet:
2. The file will need to be saved as a CSV file. To do this go to "File" >> "Save As".
3. Change the "Save as type:" dropdown menu to "CSV (Comma delimited)" and save it to a place that you will remember where it is. You will get two pop-ups when you try to save. Click "Yes" to both.
4. In BRS go to "Tools", scroll down to the "Additional Set Up Requirements" section and click "Upload Members and Contacts".
5. Near the bottom of the page change the "Import Type" to "Members".
6. Click the "Choose file" button. Find the CSV file you saved and click "Open". Click "Next" on the bottom right of the screen.
7. On the next screen try and match up the "Field Type" to the "Excerpts From Your Import File" as shown below: (the system will try to match them as best it can but you may need to match a few)
Once you have them all matched, please go onto the next step.
8. If you have (like the example above) included column headings in your CSV file, tick the box beside "Skip first line?" and click "Next".
9. This page shows you a preview of the information that will be added to the system.
10. If you got the message "Processed 1 file(s): Errors: 0 Warnings: 0" you can go to the bottom of the page and click "Import" and then "Close".
11. If you have errors or warnings you can see what they are by scrolling down the page. You can then click "Back", edit the field matches if that is what's needed.