1. Go into the Booking Details screen of a booking by clicking on the tee time.
2. Click the "Send Email" at the bottom right of the screen. Your screen will look similar to the below.
3. A new tab should open up as below:
If you do not get this screen and a yellow hand / star appear beside were you clicked, the browser is stopping a new tab from opening. To get around this, press and hold the "Ctrl" button and then click the "Send Email" button again.
4. Select the Email template, attachment, and other options you want to include in the email. and click "Send Email". (You may need to hold "Ctrl" again to open the new tab)
5. If there is/are 1 other booking(s) within 5 day(s) of this booking with the same Reservation Name and Type an option to include the booking in the email will appear at the bottom of the page. See below:
5. Click "Send Email". You will get an email confirmation message similar to the following at the top of the screen. See below:
6. Sent emails are logged in the Previous Transactions area of the booking details