- Some further error handling has been added around the BRS payment flow, this update will add user feedback and logging.
- An update has been made to the BRS Payments "Transactions" report, so that the source and description are consistent with Visitor booking transactions.
- A change has been made to partial bookings with the PlayMoreGolf API. It was noticed that some PlayMoreGolf bookings were booked alongside GolfNow bookings. To clarify, if If PMG partial bookings are enabled and 'Enable PlayMoreGolf Bookings via Reservation Types' in system configuration PlayMoreGolf bookings can be made against:
Any empty tee time
Alongside a tee time which is partially booked by another PMG booking.
Any tee time which has a Reservation Type, which has the new 'Allow PMG booking' option enabled for that Res. Type in the 'Reservation Types' tool on the conditions that this tee time is EMPTY other than the reservation type, or contains only another PMG booking.
This is to prevent PlayMoreGolf bookings from being made alongside other Member bookings, other visitor bookings made via Admin module, Visitor module, GolfNow etc.