VAT Reports
Clubs who are using BRS’s new Payments product to take online payments can now access monthly VAT reports of their transactions via Tools > VAT Reports.
Users can choose a year and month, then select if they want to download the data in either CSV or PDF formats. The report contains a breakdown of the Gross Sale, Processing Fees, and Net Sale for each transaction in that month.
Date Format of ‘Revenue from Visitor Online Booking’ Report
After receiving feedback on the differing date format in some fields of some reports, we have reformatted the Revenue from Visitor Online Booking report so that the ‘Tee Time’ and ‘Date Booked’ fields share the same date format.
System Performance
We have made some changes to the background processes taking place when a member makes a booking. Initial results show significant performance increases at peak competition release times throughout the week.
We are hoping to make further improvements in the coming weeks.
- Some changes were made to receipt emails from BRS’s new Payments platform