Booking Details
- The booking details screen has been updated to include a field to display a player’s CDH number beside the existing Handicap and Club fields. If you cannot see these fields they can be enabled via Tools > System Configuration > Display Handicap, Club and CDH fields.
Daily Dashboard
- The Daily Dashboard feature now supports BRS systems which have a multi-tee / multi-course configuration. At the top right hand corner of the dashboard you will see options to choose from each course or tee.
- In the ‘Toolbox’ on the dashboard there is a new section titled ‘Useful Links’ which will contain a list of links to different parts of the system based on which modules are enabled. For example, a system which has the Member module and Visitor module enabled will have the booking links for each of these.
- A number of aesthetic improvements have also been included in this release.
- The Daily Dashboard can be enabled via Tools > System Configuration > Enable Daily Dashboard. See 12.9.0 release notes for further detail on this feature.
Email and Text Messaging Tool
- The ‘Marketing Consent Date’ column has been removed from the Email and Text Messaging Tools when sending a non-marketing email or text.
- Resolved an issue that was causing some systems to run at a slow speed.
- Removing a player from the in-grid editor will now remove the player’s CDH (if present).