Multi-Year Green Fee Rates
In Tools > Green Fee Rates for Visitors / Agents, we have added an option to allow these online rates to be set as Multi-Year Rates.
Clicking the Multi-Year Rate box will remove the Year options from the settings for this rate. A rate you create here will not expire and does need to be set up again for next year. This will remove a lot of the hassle surrounding season change, a simple example of a potential Multi-Year setup can be seen in the below screenshot.
You just need to set up winter rates from January - March, summer rates from April - September and then winter rates from October - December. If used with the Multi-Year Rate option, your online prices will just carry over from one year to the next. This will reduce the risk of Visitors being unable to book due to expired rates, and save administration time - we thoroughly recommend making use of this feature!
A 'Select All' option has also been added to the 'Days of Week' selection tool: