Revenue Reports - Monthly Summary, Summary, Day of the Week Summary and Detail
Now includes a checkbox to select the ‘Run report as of’ value.
- When not checked, the report will run using today's date.
- When checked, the report will run based on the date selected in the Run report as of field.
- When this is used in conjunction with the Yearly Comparison, the data will be based on the day and month for each of the years in the comparison.
- Where the report Start Date and End Date spans multiple years, the Run Report As Of Date will default to the same year as the Start Date.
Reports with Graphs
The graphs in the Tee Time Usage by Time and Day report and the Utilisation (by Number of Players) report have been updated to use a new graph utility.
Graphs have been added to the Revenue Report (Summary) and Revenue/Rounds by Green Fee Category reports. You now have the option to view the data either as a table or in a bar chart.
Member Confirmation Emails
All member confirmation emails that are sent when bookings are made or changed via the Member Module website or the Members app are now in an HTML format. These are responsive on mobile and tablet devices and delivery service issues should cease.
Waiting List
The Waiting List will not add a Member to a tee time that is within 1 hour of any tee time. This means, for example, if the 10:00am tee time becomes free after 09:00am on the day of the competition, the member would not be added to the tee time.