3rd Party Marketing API - Updated the interface to ignore invalid customer information for bookings created where the customer checked out as a guest.
3rd Party Marketing API - Added support for GolfBook as a Channel for GNConnect and G1.
Single Sign On and the Members App
Members that already have a password set in BRS and know what their password is can use it to access the App.
Members that have an old password in BRS that they do not know will be able to click on the Reset Password link and can follow the instructions in the resulting email to change their password.
Members that don’t have a password will be able to register and, once registered, they will be able to book tee times through the App immediately.
Golf Clubs that use a Single Sign On from their website into the BRS Timesheet, can now sign up for the Members App.
Revenue by Green Fee Category report updated to include filters by Green Fee Category, by Rounds or Revenue or Both. This report now has the ability to group by Category or Sub-Category and to include or exclude Sub-totals. In addition, the report now provides a comparison across multiple years. A maximum of 5 years can be included in this comparison.
Contact Booking Report has been update to incorporate the standard Yearly comparison option. A maximum of 5 years can be included in this comparison.
Revenue by Tour Operator report now provides a comparison across multiple years. A maximum of 5 years can be included in this comparison.